Friday the 13th
(March 09)
It threatened to rain on us this morning, but it never did. Our drill instructor gave us those immortal words awhile back when discussing the PT test. He said that when you hear that whistle, you "run like you stole something!" It made sense, and lightened the anxiety. Overall, it was a productive morning, as I did very well on my final and official Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) here at CH-BOLC. Passing is a requirement for graduation, so I'm safe! I actually scored better this time on total points than I did three weeks ago on the diagnostic test, even though my sit-ups went down some.
Here's how it broke down: Push ups -- 75 total in 2 minutes (100 points); Sit-ups -- 53 total (76 points); and 2-mile run -- 15:23 time (85 points). The points are calculated based on your age and number of repetitions you do or how fast you run. (As you get older, the scoring gets easier!). My total score = 261 points. I am close to the STUDLY level (although that's not an official Army term), they recognize people who score over 270 total by doing at least 90 points in all three categories. I'll have to bring my sit-up reps up quite a bit, and run as fast as "Dash" from the Incredibles (above). If I succeed I'll probably puke. Maybe I just need to wait until I get older. Hummmmm.... Which one is easier....???
It may rain all weekend here. A good weekend to stay inside and watch movies!!
(March 09)
It threatened to rain on us this morning, but it never did. Our drill instructor gave us those immortal words awhile back when discussing the PT test. He said that when you hear that whistle, you "run like you stole something!" It made sense, and lightened the anxiety. Overall, it was a productive morning, as I did very well on my final and official Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) here at CH-BOLC. Passing is a requirement for graduation, so I'm safe! I actually scored better this time on total points than I did three weeks ago on the diagnostic test, even though my sit-ups went down some.
Here's how it broke down: Push ups -- 75 total in 2 minutes (100 points); Sit-ups -- 53 total (76 points); and 2-mile run -- 15:23 time (85 points). The points are calculated based on your age and number of repetitions you do or how fast you run. (As you get older, the scoring gets easier!). My total score = 261 points. I am close to the STUDLY level (although that's not an official Army term), they recognize people who score over 270 total by doing at least 90 points in all three categories. I'll have to bring my sit-up reps up quite a bit, and run as fast as "Dash" from the Incredibles (above). If I succeed I'll probably puke. Maybe I just need to wait until I get older. Hummmmm.... Which one is easier....???
It may rain all weekend here. A good weekend to stay inside and watch movies!!
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