Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday brings a new week

11 Jan 2010 (Monday)

Yesterday was a very long day. I went to three worship services, two of them lasted almost 2 hours each! I finally made it back to my room around 10:30 pm, which is late for me. But speaking of my room, I was very pleased that I got some new carpet for my "personal space." They were selling small area rugs at the PX, and I got the last blue one. (See picture). I know it's not much, but at least it makes the floor warmer when you have to get up in the morning (or middle of the night, if you know what I mean).

Well, I did finish The Shack this past weekend as well. And I must say, overall I really enjoyed it. I tried to put myself into Mack's shoes as he was experiencing the Lord in the story. I can sort of relate as I feel like God is changing me somewhat through a tough experience, and so I found myself trying to absorb it more than if I were just skimming it. I probably was not ready for this story a year ago, and God knew that. So I'm glad I came back around to it a year later. Anyway, I won't take up anymore time here except to say it was well worth it for me, and I recommend it to you as well.

I'll be preaching again this upcoming weekend, and my text will be from John 5:1-16 (the healing at the pool). I found it interesting to realize that Jesus went up to the one man who could not help himself. And then he waited for the man to state his needs. It's not like He didn't already know the answer--He did--but he won't force Himself on us (see Rev. 3:20). Did you ever notice that before?
The second picture is of the view of my neighborhood from my font door! (See all the rows of B-Huts and the mountains beyond). The mountains were very clear that day when I took this picture (due to a brisk breeze blowing through here). Many days it's pretty hazy, since we're so close to an airport. Unfortunately this small picture does not capture the moment very well.
And finally, I will be starting a seminary class on-line this upcoming week as well. It will help keep me busy, which is a good thing! So please continue to keep me and all of the Troops over here in your prayers. Thank you.

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