Saturday, January 24, 2009

Answered Prayer

24 Jan 09

I am writing this on a Saturday morning watching the light rain out my dorm window. We ran 2 miles up and back down "Drill Sargeant's Hill" last night around 6:00 pm, and then we were told to return to the PT field at 0600 (am) this morning for another round. This time, however, it was what they call "muscle failure" day, and they meant it! The instructors worked us over good for about 90 minutes already today, in the light rain. It felt like a really tough aerobics class that never ended!

Back at the homefront, my parents leave for a several week trip to Australia today. Many of you know that my dad has been sick, but he feels up to going and has the doctor's blessings to go. So I am praying they have a great time and he feels well the entire trip. Please add them to your prayer list as well. I would appreciate that. And I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me and my family so far. My wife commented that she knows many people are praying for us, and she knows it's helping her and the girls at home. So I am blessed and grateful for everyone who has lifted us up in prayers over these past few weeks. I hope that you will continue to do so for a few more months! Thank you.

The answered prayer mentioned above is the fact that I will be able to come home for the long Valentine's Day weekend next month and spend a few days with family and friends. A number of my peers are doing the same thing, and I have been praying for the ability to pay for another flight home. God answered that prayer when a family member donated frequent flyer miles to me for the trip home and back. I was blown away and almost cried when I heard the news. (And yes, Soldiers do cry!). I can't tell you how awesome it is to know God has your every need in mind, and He loves to meet those needs -- we just need to ask Him!
The pictures above are from our time in the field. The group shot is of an actual "field service" held by a staff Chaplain. They are teaching us how to conduct a similar worship service, because each one of us will be required to come up with a short message and lead a field service before graduation. This is practice for when we are actually with Soldiers in the near future. The key here is brevity, which I like. It feels like a short Bible study lesson, which I enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. God is so awesome! Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely keep you and your family in prayer.
