Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Land Management and a New President


It was an historic day, as we have a new President as of today. The Chaplain School allowed us a little more free time at lunch today to watch the proceedings on TV, and we prayed for our new Commander in Chief.

It snowed this morning, so we did not have PT before class. However, they made up for it during the late-afternoon PT session. I have never been worked that hard in all my life! Every one of us will be sore tomorrow!

The majority of classroom time today was spent learing how to read a map, use a compass, and navigate through the woods. We will be going out into the woods for real over the next two days to use our new skills. It seems as if they will break us up into small teams (with one instructor each team), and then drop us off in the woods somewhere and have us figure out how to get to a certain point from where we started. I'm pretty excited about this stull, since I've never really done anything like this before. I just hope my toes stay warm tomorrow!

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