Happy Thanksgiving Day! It was a great day, largely because I decided it would be and I decided to focus on being thankful. Besides, isn't that what the day is for? I woke up and read Psalm 23 this morning, and I spent time on the verse (5b) that says, "my cup overflows..." This past week I have been thinking about what it means to be thankful (to whom and why), because it can be real easy to get into a pity-party mode and complain to God about my circumstances, my comfort level, my situation, etc. I am living in a wooden shack, no indoor plumbing, half-way around the world from my family, etc... (You get the picture). But God showed me this week from Romans 11:33-36 that it's not about me. It's about Him. Being thankful is about who God is and what God did; specifically his awesomeness and that He sent his son, Jesus, to die for you and me.
So when I saw that verse this morning, it reminded me that God truly has blessed me -- my cup overflows -- even in a far-away land, living in a shack, next to a bomb shelter and a port-a-john. It doesn't get any better than this! (Well... maybe I shouldn't go that far). God does bless those who heed His call and obey his Word. That blessing may not always be financial. It can also be serenity, trust, confidence, deeper relationships, and intimacy with Him. I think God has given me serenity (peace) about my mission here, about His ability to take care of my family back home, and about and His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. So I can rest easy in that promise and concentrate on the job at hand. Thank you Lord. That is something to truly be thankful for.