Friday, November 06, 2009

Surf and Turf Fridays

6 Nov 09
It has been a really good day. The weather was wonderful and it felt like we got a few more things accomplished. Fridays are also "surf and turf" days at the dining facility (DFAC). That means they serve steak and seafood. Not great quality, mind you, but a steak nonetheless. Tonight we had fried shrimp with it. (Pretty tasty). Earlier today we also went to the local Bazaar (kind of like the flea market). My mom would have loved this place, because they expect you to barter with them for the junk they're selling. Lot's of pottery, rugs, vases, and leather jackets, to name a few items. Oh, and there was even a camel! The owner charged a few bucks for a picture with his camel, so I made a new friend today. The camel, I mean. The owner was kind of grumpy! (If I can get pictures to upload I will show you my new buddy).

I'm also praying about a ministry opportunity here to get involved in a new worship service over on the other side of the base. Doesn't sound like much but it takes 30-40 minutes to get over there, and it will be held in a tent for now. Kind of like church planting or a church start-up project. The drive over there is interesting, to say the least. You go past stretches of fence-line with ancient villages and ruins just on the other side. Sometimes the local children can be seen playing in the huts, and sometimes they throw rocks at passing vehicles. For obvious reasons, service members are NOT encouraged to jog alone out on those stretches of the road! It feels kind of like being inside a prison with hugh barbed-wire fences all around the perimeter. But in this case it is to keep the bad guys out, not in!
I think God is trying to stretch me some more with this issue. I wanted to plug into a nice, comfortable service within walking distance and have as few additional responsibilities as possible. Nope. That probably won't happen. The Division Chaplain over here (my Chaplain boss) wants us all to support a specific worship service as well as the overall ministry on post -- not just our individual Units with the Soldiers we already know. Boy, the nerve. They're going to actually make us work over here!


  1. Love the blogs Darren, so I can know how you are doing and what to pray for. Got you off a box of goodies today. I'll be interested in how long it takes to reach you. Aunt Gladie

  2. I read your latest news and can see that you are really being stretched but always remember that God is always besides you and is there to help or carry you as you need. Keep up the blogging as I love to hear what is going on and also on how to pray for you while you are gone.
