Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

31 May
Today is Memorial Day. It is a time to stop and reflect and honor those who have given their lives--the ultimate sacrifice--in time of war, and for the freedom and security of others. It has been a low-key day here so far. There was a ceremony earlier this morning, but I did not attend. It was quite a long walk from my office, and I chose to have a personal time of reflection instead. It has a weird feeling here about this Holiday, almost as if people don't want to celebrate it while in a war zone. Perhaps it will have more meaning to me next year, when I'm at home and away from this place. Maybe it's too raw for some to celebrate this day. One of my Chaplain friends had two Soldiers in his battalion killed in the month of May alone. I guess no one really wants to talk about it. But we do pay homage to our Fallen Heroes. I will remember Chris, from my Unit, as well as his family. I will also say a prayer for all those who have died for our country and for the freedoms we hold dear. Please do the same. Thank you.

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