Saturday, October 03, 2009

Bed-Time Stories

3 Oct. 09

I had a good laugh at breakfast his morning after learning about a Soldier who played a pretty good practical joke on his buddies last night. This particular Soldier had to leave very early this morning (4am) to catch a flight back home due to a family emergency. Before he left, however, he set his battery-operated alarm clock to go off at 4:30am, and he put it inside his foot locker and locked it shut. This alarm makes the sound of a rooster crowing, and apparently it got pretty loud. The other Soldiers could not figure out where it was coming from, and then could not figure out how to make it shut up! So they put up with it for an hour until it quit on its own! I'm pretty sure they will retailate on their buddy once he gets back here in a few days, but for now, that Soldier got away with it and I'm sure he was smiling on the plane ride this morning!

I am attaching a picture of the barracks where most of the Soldiers sleep. We have many 2-story buildings like this one. They call it an "open bay," and you can see numerous bunk beds on both sides of the room. About 50 men can sleep in this building (25 per floor). Not much privacy, that's for sure. And they turn on the great big fan by the door at night (even when it's freezing), to drown out the SNORING!

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