Wednesday, June 23, 2010

USO & Rugs

24 June

It has been a slow week for me so far. We are not traveling again for awhile and will be moving offices soon, so much of the week has been spent on moving supplies and cleaning out my desk. We're vacating a larger space and moving into a smaller one. Oh well. Not much I can do about it when the boss says we got to go. On a different note, I recently bought some rugs over here and had them shipped home. I guess they are known for their elaborate hand-made silk rugs in this part of the world, so I wanted a few memories of this experience. The shop owners expect you to barter with them and haggle about the price. I hate doing that, but I was successful in knocking $50 off the original price. Maybe that was good, or maybe I still got taken. I'm not sure I'll ever know.

I wanted to send a few pictures along of a recent FOB I visited that had a great USO. I actually do not know what it stands for, but I know they are places where service members can go and relax. They have them all over the world, even here, and this one stood out to me. They hung a parachute from the roof, which gave it this cool "cave-like" appearance. They have TVs and movies and books and video games for the soldiers to watch and play with, so it was a pretty popular place to hang out.

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