Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One Month Down

3 Dec 09
It's official. We've been here in country over 30 days now, which means we qualify for a combat patch on our right shoulder. I understand this tradition may go back to Gen. George Washington, but we know for sure it has been utilized since WWI. Over here we fall under the leadership of the 82nd Airborne Division, so we are authorized to wear their patch, the "AA". There are many jokes around regarding what "AA" stands for, as you can imagine. Officially it means All American, but some say it means Almost Airborne. Oh well. It's a pretty big deal in the militray to have one of these, so I'll wear it with pride. For example, my Colonel worked 24 years before she got her patch, so it is kind of a career maker (or in her case, icing on the cake).

I also recently got to meet the top General in the entire Army Reserves recently. 3-star General Stultz. He came and addressed us last week and then posed for a photo-op. Pretty cool, huh?

And now that December is upon us... we have a new office and a new Christmas tree. Our company Commander's husband sent us a "live" tree, so we put it up two days ago and then had a party in our new and larger office (see photo. The little tree seen here is not the live one). It was fun. Other than that, all is well. We're into a groove now and the Units are operating smoothly. I am busy with helping out at two different protestant worship services here on base, which is keeping me busy. In fact, I preach at one of them this Sunday night! Keep me in your prayers.

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